Look at me! I'm a nurse! This is the photo I had taken for the composite of all my classmates and myself.
I have been incredibly busy since my last update! School is crazy. Whoever said this semester would be easy was high as a kite.
So far, only one dress has yet to be ordered, and the tuxes are taken care of. We started our premarital counselling, and that has been fun and beneficial. It helps to work with a pastor who knows you so well, and to have great examples of family dynamics.
That's something that has been on my mind recently. I just completed my mental health clinical rotation. I spoke with many people who live in environments which are anything but nurturing. Broken relationships, physical abuse, rape, absolutely no encouragement; it was heart-breaking.
I always knew I was blessed to have grown up with both my parents still married and still happy, not to mention both sets of grandparents still married and still happy. I was raised in a loving environment with encouragement and good education, with a strong faith and spirituality as the foundation. I had healthy discipline (spanking, but no beating) and an open and honest relationship with my parents. I knew this was good, but I never saw firsthand how not having these things can negatively impact someone's life. It made me feel incredibly blessed to have the family, friends, and faith which have permeated my life with love.
So far, only one dress has yet to be ordered, and the tuxes are taken care of. We started our premarital counselling, and that has been fun and beneficial. It helps to work with a pastor who knows you so well, and to have great examples of family dynamics.
That's something that has been on my mind recently. I just completed my mental health clinical rotation. I spoke with many people who live in environments which are anything but nurturing. Broken relationships, physical abuse, rape, absolutely no encouragement; it was heart-breaking.
I always knew I was blessed to have grown up with both my parents still married and still happy, not to mention both sets of grandparents still married and still happy. I was raised in a loving environment with encouragement and good education, with a strong faith and spirituality as the foundation. I had healthy discipline (spanking, but no beating) and an open and honest relationship with my parents. I knew this was good, but I never saw firsthand how not having these things can negatively impact someone's life. It made me feel incredibly blessed to have the family, friends, and faith which have permeated my life with love.