This post isn't going to be philosophical or anything; I'm just in End of Life Care class right now.
It is interesting, though to talk to people who aren't in my classes. In the program, we find abbreviations for everything, or just our own specific way of saying things.
Friend: What are you doing this weekend?
Me: I need to study for my Complex exam.
Friend: I thought all your exams were complex, you keep talking about how hard they are.
Me: My exam for Complex Care class.
Friend: Oh.
Sometimes, people think nursing sounds scary. Scarier than it really is, anyway.
Friend: What are all the notes for?
Me: End of Life final exam.
Friend: I thought Sunday school taught us we couldn't study for that ahead of time.
Me: Not that one. Perhaps just as intimidating, though.
Just so you know that I'm not just a slacker, let me assure you that I'm not missing vital information. We have been doing student presentations, and none of the information is on exams. I can hear what is being said, and I am logging away the information. But this is the last class before the weekend and before finals, and I'm allowing myself some therapeutic blogging.
Tensions have been rising in the dorms. Maybe not with everyone, but I've been feeling it. There is one particular student in my class who has been annoying almost everyone, but most people get to go home at the end of the day. This student (who has been previously mentioned) lives next door and comes to visit quite frequently. We have been "getting along" lately, but that is because I have become a pro at remaining in my room or being somewhere else entirely. Do I like having to take these measures? No. But I don't want to say something I'll regret. You really have to watch what you say to this girl. I'm just glad I can blog to a world of people who have no idea who she is. Her reputation can remain untarnished, but I can vent my frustration.
Christmas is just around the corner. I still need to get some presents, but I think Ben will be helping a bit. I also need to finish knitting scarves for my mom- and sis-in-law-to-be. Lord knows I haven't had time lately.
With the vacation approaching, I am very excited to be beginning my clinical practicum. Not only because I love gaining experience, but also because I have mine in labor & delivery, NICU, and the nursery. Birth and babies. I'm in heaven.
And I think we're about to take lunch, so I shall bid you all adieu.
(Photo is from Thanksgiving with our families, but no one would gather at one time...)
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